Curriculum Vitae Highlights
Cann, C., Williams Brown, K., Madden, M. (October, 2022). Rise for Racial Justice: How to Talk about Race with Schools and Communities. Teachers College Press, New York

Black | Indigenous 100s Collective (October, 2023). Say, Listen: Writing as Care. Authors in the Collective: Strum, C., Gomez, R., Quizar, J., John, K., Cordis, S., Williams Brown, K., Felepchuk, W. New Press
Manuscript Forthcoming
Williams Brown, K. (forthcoming). Maroon Pedagogies: What Afro-Caribbean Women Teachers Tell us about Race, Representation and Resistance.
Williams Brown, K., Madden, M. (forthcoming). Creating Just Publics Using Intergroup Dialogue.
Editorial Boards
Women’s Studies Quarterly (December 2020 – present)
Equity and Excellence in Education (January 2024 – present)
Articles and Book Chapters
Nganga, C., Williams Brown, K., Beck, M., Defauber, J. (2022). Tapestries of Epistemologies: Intersectional and Transnational Feminist Understandings of Caribbean and African Women Faculty’s Evolution as Researchers. The Educational Forum, Special Issue 83, 3.
Williams Brown, K., Beck, M., Nganga, C. (2022). Transnational Feminist Understandings of the Neoliberal Recruitment of International Women Teachers of Color. Handbook of Teachers of Color.
Haddix, M. and Williams Brown, K. ( 2022). Black Students as Architects of Future Designs for Teacher Education. Handbook on Teachers of Color.
Williams Brown, K. (2021, January 22). Diasporic transnationalism, gender, and education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:
Williams Brown, K. and Washburn, R. (2020). Trans-forming Bodies and Bodies of Knowledge: A Case Study of Utopia, Intersectionality, Transdisciplinarity, and Collaborative Pedagogy. Introduction to Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press.
John, K. and Williams Brown, K. (2019). Settler/Colonial Violences: Black and Indigenous Coalition Possibilities through Intergroup Dialogue Methodology
American Indian Cultural and Research Journal (AICRJ). Special Issue 43, 2.
Brown Williams, K. (2016). Activism and Love: Loving White people through the struggle. In Pedagogies in the Flesh: Case Studies on the Embodiment of Sociocultural Differences in Education. Sarah Travis, Amelia M. Kraehe, Emily Jean Hood, Tyson E. Lewis (Eds). Palgrave McMillan.